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You are not alone

For personalised advice use our online consultation tool. Fill in some details about your situation and we'll email you a detailed 4 or 5 page plan produced by Mr Henley within one working day,

Every year in the UK 40,000 men undergo a vasectomy. Every year 2,400 seek a reversal. Things change, what seemed a certainty before may now be a problem.

Micro-surgical reversal is the best way to put things back the way they were. For our patients whose vasectomy was less than 18 years ago the current success rate is 96%. For patients less than 10 years success rates are 98%, among the best in the world, hence we treat patients from North America, Europe, the Far and Middle East. As well as men from every walk of life, including a large number of medical professionals.

We are a little different. You won't find a site festooned with pictures of babies. There are plenty of course but we aim to concentrate on facts and results, rather than use our patients as marketing material. We also don't believe in 'on the day consultations', there are choices involved in regaining fertility (reversal or IVF) and the knowledge that behind the door a team of people are waiting to operate means that your choice has been removed. This is not the correct way to consider what's right for you. Everything about our service is designed to get things back on track with the minimum of fuss and the maximum of understanding and success. Whether your vasectomy was last year or 30 years ago or a reversal has been attempted before and failed, the chances are we can help.

Every penny of income from your care and reversal goes to our social enterprise which researches and provides care for men with fertility problems and other urological issues such as prostate cancer. Not a single penny is retained for 'private practice' unlike all of the other providers of vasectomy reversals in the UK. So not only can you be certain that you are getting the best results in the world you are also doing your bit for your fellow man!






Face to Face Appointments

Call Nuffield appointments on 01332 540104 No GP letter needed for initial consultation. Download a patient questionnaire. and email to here (remember to include a mobile number in addition). For general enquiries call Amanda Kidd (Nuffield Hospital Patient Advisor) on 01332 540 131

Information Useful? Consider donating to prostate cancer & fertility care


Telephone / Webcam Consultations

New - Click here to fill in a 24/7 on-line consultation in your own time.

Click here to book a telephone / webcam consultation I reverse vasectomies for people from all over the UK and overseas and understand that not everyone can attend prior to surgery. You can consult from home at a time that suits you, whilst knowing that your safety and the outcome of surgery is paramount. Download a patient questionnaire.

What do you get?

  • 16-18 stitches on each side rather than 4 as used by most of the UK's vas reversal surgeons'
  • Multiple intra-operative sperm testing for every man to ensure the vas is joined to vas or epididymis as appropriate
  • Vaso-epididymostomy if no sperm found at the vas
  • Both sides repaired for every man
  • Microsurgical expert
  • Pain free general anaesthetic (asleep rather than awake)

sperm freezing (MESA) & fertility unit facilities if required